Friday, September 7, 2018

Exhale...the Exhibitionism Has Ended    

   An exhibition can mean a public display of artwork, collections, or skills.

   Exhibitionism can mean the act of behaving so as to attract attention to oneself. 

   The latter is what America saw this week, when the Senate judiciary committee pontificated for hours with Judge Brett Kavanaugh in their cross hairs. Senators opposed to his appointment hoped to hear him say he might vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. That would flip two Republican women, enough to sink the candidate.

   Failing that, they tried to pry out any hint of support for the president - especially while the Mueller investigation continues - regardless of the Constitution or laws. They also tried to postponed the hearings, hoping to gain a majority in the senate next term. Three strikes, and Kavanaugh won the week.

   In their half-hour opening statements, senators droned on with fine-sounding expositions of democracy, the Bill of Rights and other cherished ideals. Maybe those were learning moments for students who don't get such information in schools.

   But, we know, don't we, that the real purpose of televised congressional meetings serves not to open the window into representative government, but to give most politicians a free opportunity to impress his or her voters.

   A survey shows Kavanaugh with a mere 37 percent approval, worse than most every modern candidate except for Robert Bork. Meaning...

   Democrats spent all summer telling their base how scary he is. Then they point to a poll they largely influenced, as proof that the public doesn't want him. Clever. 

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