Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Here We Go Again           

   We knew that a judicially conservative nominee for Supreme Court justice would worry Democratic senators, who prefer long-term power in the Court to come-and-go power in Congress.

   Christine Ford is a psychology professor at Palo Alto University. She claims to have been a victim of abuse at a party, which she thinks occurred in the summer of 1982 when she was 15. 

   In 2012, she and her husband attended therapy. She spoke of an attack by two students from "an elitist boys' school." 

   Her husband told an interviewer that (six years ago) his wife used the name Kavanaugh (who was a federal judge then) and was concerned that one day he might be nominated to the Supreme Court. (Really?) Mrs. Ford is a registered Democrat, if that matters. 

   When Judge Kavanaugh appeared on the short list of candidates, she contacted her congresswoman. Her letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein followed in late July. Feinstein didn't ask Kavanaugh about this either in person or during the hearings. Strange.

   A Washington lawyer said Mrs. Ford took and passed a polygraph test. Her story leaked. (Who leaked it?) The FBI received it and sent it to the White House for Kavanaugh's background file. The White House sent it to the Senate Judiciary Committee, making it available to all senators. 

   Friday, Chairman Charles Grassley released a letter from 65 women who say they have known the judge for the past 36 years. They defended his character, integrity and respect for women. Several appeared on TV. 

   Kavanaugh denies the accusation. The other boy mentioned by Mrs. Ford is Mark Judge, today a filmmaker and author. Judge insists Kavanaugh is innocent. 

   We don't know the truth, or whether one woman's (inebriated?) memory from 36 years ago outweighs the 65 women who vouch for the judge over the entire 36 year stretch. She deserves to be heard. 

   We do know it's permissible to be a routine adulterer (and worse) while in the White House - FDR, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton. And it's okay to be a powerful senator who drove off a bridge - his female passenger drowning - leaving the scene - Ted Kennedy. 

   Democrats hope to stall this appointment and win November's election. We remember the ugly theatrics in 1991 - Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill. Next Monday...same show, different people.  



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