Saturday, September 15, 2018

Let's Go Out to Play     

   Don't know about you, but in childhood I played outdoors extensively. Scouting offered nice opportunities. Our family camped in a tent - slept on cots - all summer for six years. 

   Even when education, Army service (at a government typewriter), and civilian office work took priority, my thoughts were with my sailboat or canoe and anyplace beyond city streets. 

   My youngest son had a well-paying job in a Chicago skyscraper. When he couldn't take the city anymore, he gave it up and continues exploring the West as often as possible. He spent several weeks touring the lakes and mountains of New Zealand.

   Maybe you are committed to an indoors job, but stare out the window longing for a taste of nature.

   All this may be built into us. What was Adam and Eve's first environment? Probably something like a national park, only more beautiful.  

   Scientific studies reveal the benefits of being in nature. Research shows that time outdoors leads to less impulsive decision making. 

   Exposure to nature - hiking, boating, bird watching, fishing, hunting, etc. - also reduces anxiety and stress, leading to improved health, healthier choices and better sleep. Outdoor activity can reduce recovery time following surgery. 

   Researchers credit evolution (man's early environments) for these benefits. But, the Bible tells of God creating a garden perfectly suited for the children of His design.

   Maybe I should give up blogging and purchase another canoe.

Source: Julie Borg, WORLD magazine

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