Saturday, September 22, 2018

Controlling Contempt   

   Just when something is going right, a contemptible person bursts the bubble...muddies the waters...sours the music. This is one observation about life, sometimes, not a particular person. Although there are persons fitting the description this week. 

   We've never seen destructive politics this widespread. They call this blood sport, but in sports people play by the same rules. 

   Partisans - grown men and women - are not giving Judge Kavanaugh the American benefit of innocence until proven guilty. And they judge the accuser "credible." How do they know? They don't.

   Then, on cue, contemptible members of the public begin foul-mouthed assaults and (reportedly)death threats on both Mrs. Ford and the judge's family. 

   Nice going, boys and girls.

   Do we have contempt for the partisans, or just their actions? For Christians, there is a difference.

   God has righteous anger and sometimes contempt. But He displays compassion when He can. He knows we're made of dust.

   He allowed Adam and Eve to live on, although at a new address. He gave Cain a second chance to do right. 

   Nebuchadnezzar got credit for seeing the truth. After all, he had (unwittingly) done the Lord's will by conquering the Israelites. Jesus declined to accuse the adulterous woman, through He told her not to sin again.

   Paul wrote, In humility, count others more highly than yourselves. Peter said, Honor everyone. James added, Be quick to hear, slow to speak.   

   Janie B. Cheaney writes: "I doubt God values our ability to skewer Democrats. We are...his agents of reconciliation, sent not to destroy our enemies but to pray for them and plead with them." He might be preparing someone willing to listen.


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