Christians tend to forget that...
WORLD magazine interviewed Allie Beth Stuckey, host of Blaza TV podcast Relatable. One question:
"Some Christians say that since our kingdom is not of this world, we need not concern ourselves with politics."
Stuckey: "Politics affects policy, policy affects people, and people matter. People matter to God; therefore, they matter to us. Christians tend to forget that politics is one way to love our neighbor, because the policies that we vote for have a real effect on people.
"You don't have to care about every issue. You don't have the capacity to do that.
"But the issues that affect your community, the issues that will affect your children and your children's children - as U.S. citizens we have the right and responsibly to vote, to influence elections, and to raise a respectful ruckus for the things that matter.
"We (Christians) are exiles in this world. Our citizenship is in heaven. And yet, here we are. So, in the welfare of the community around us is our welfare too."
Views: If we are registered to vote, we still have Tuesday.