Wednesday, December 21, 2022

 Worse Than We Thought 

     Sorry to interrupt our Christmas cheer like a Grinch.

     But Wednesday night the House and Senate got together for what looked like a State of the Union speech. In essence, it was the state of the union. 

     Except the speaker was not our President. It was the leader of war-torn Ukraine...wearing his everyday shirt.  

     We've been thinking, Russia's oligarchy has no business invading Ukraine - true - and the brave defender, Zelenskyy, is a hero of historic proportions. Or something like that. 

     Our Congress certainly thinks so. Members of both parties were standing and clapping like we just won the World Cup. I don't think FDR enjoyed that much gushing. I know Lincoln didn't. 

     So, what's the problem? We want Putin to win? Nooooo!    

     Average Ukrainians are suffering, big time, but Zelenskyy isn't Washington or Lincoln or Reagan. He wants more U.S. money. He wants American troops ultimately on the ground. We hear that he has done away with political opponents, as they do in Russia, China etc. That he has shut down their largest church and generally given Christians a hard time. 

     We hear that U.S. seniors on Social Security may get a "pay cut" soon - which we've expected for some time - but the U.S. has enough billions to pour on top of billions already spent helping Ukraine give Putin a headache. Companies selling (or replacing) weapons for Ukraine are doing okay, we suppose, and politicians supporting the "war" are getting their rewards, so we think. 

     When Ukraine wins and all settles down, Hunter Biden can return to Kiev and milk them for more millions, so long as his dad is President.  

     Our Vice President and Senate (lame duck) Majority Leader sure were gushy, fawning over the foreigner pleading to hike our national debt. Of course, he didn't put it that way.



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