Friday, December 2, 2022

Pastor's Kid Excels 

     Seth Dillon has a knack for comedy, landing him at the helm of the Babylon Bee in 2018. 

     The Bee writes satire from a Christian perspective. This means speaking truth to culture through humor.  

     "It also means holding the church itself accountable," he says. "We need levity and laughter in the church not just because we take ourselves far too seriously, but because we're in just as much need of correction as anyone else." 

     Dillon adds, representing and defending the Bee in the media has "become the most fun and rewarding part of my job. I have the opportunity to fight for truth, freedom and life on the biggest stages imaginable."

     "Christians - Christian institutions - can be far too squishy. In the name of love, we cede too much ground. We need to be willing to stand firmly in our convictions and in defense of the truth, even if it means making a few people mad on Twitter." 

     He says, "The mob will get weaker only if you starve it by refusing to give it what it wants. And the truth will only prevail if it's fiercely and unapologetically defended. When I said Christian institutions need a backbone, I meant they need to stop caring about the mob." 

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