Monday, December 5, 2022

 Georgia on My Mind  

     Say what you want about powerful New York or California, even Florida. Important matters in the USA will depend somewhat on voters in the Peach State. 

     It is fitting that our typeface here is called "Georgia." 

     A runoff for U.S. Senate ends on Tuesday. Herschel Walker, a businessman, former Heisman trophy winner, faces Sen. Raphael Warnock, who was appointed to fill out a term two years ago. 

     In the general election, Warnock finished one percentage vote better, but neither man reached 50 percent, hence the runoff. Democrats have already won half - 50 - of the seats, giving them great power should all 50 senators agree on some matter. 

     Should an issue be crucial, there still are senators Manchin and Sinema, who haven't been 100% in line with Democratic leadership.  

     While the House will have Republican leadership, the Senate can still accomplish much the hate-America Democrats desire if Warnock keeps his seat. 

     Walker has baggage from his youth. Liberals strongly in favor of abortion accuse him of paying for two abortions. Get it? 

     But Walker has "come to Jesus" and is a new person. Warnock, pastors Ebenezer Baptist Church - in his spare time? - and approves of abortion. His church is under investigation for a ministry arm evicting residents of low-income housing. He criticized other landlords of doing the same during COVID. 

     Is this the lesser of two evils? In November, 80,000 votes went to Chase Oliver. What issue will they favor Tuesday, if they vote at all? Republican Gov. Brian Kemp won reelection handily, but polling shows this race for senate too close to call. 



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