Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Element of Surprise

     From a column we read: God has a purpose for all things. He has a purpose for surprises too. 

     Peter wrote: "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you." 1 Peter 4:12 He knew about surprises. Having been warned by Jesus at least three times, he and other disciples still didn't believe their miracle-working teacher was going to be killed.

     God often surprised his people in the past by showing up: at the Red Sea, for reform, for rebuke. Christ himself was not what the Jews expected. But the greatest surprise occurred on the third day after his ignominious death. 

     He had told his followers about that too, but it's unlikely they expected the resurrection while placing his broken body in a tomb. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been doubtful and fearful when he appeared among them with wounded hands and side: the happiest surprise in history.

     In any surprise, God is showing up.

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