Friday, December 30, 2022

 Final Thoughts for 2022

     Daniel trusted God's promises, God's providence and the presence of God. He did not know God's plan. On faith, he accepted what he was told.

Daniel 3:16

Transforming truths:

1. persecution should be expected 

2. Learn to stand alone

3. Fear God more than the furnace

4. Fire that purifies sets us free

5. Things are not what they appear to be. Eternity reverses fortunes.

6. It is not necessary to win in this life, but to be victorious.

    Be faithful, loving and courageous. Every knee will bow. 

Dr. Irwin Leutzer

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

 American Majority/Majority Issues

1. Americans should be judged by the character, not color. 91% agree

2. Needy but able-bodied adults should work to receive taxpayer-funded benefits - food stamps, health care, welfare. 74% 

3. America is the greatest country on earth. 78% 

4. Criminals who kill police officers - mandatory life in prison. 74%

5. Federal income taxes should be cut for all Americans. 75% 

6. Give tax credits for products made in the USA. 87% 

7. Valid government-issued photo ID to vote. 81% 

8. Freedom of religion. 85% 

9. Children can attend schools best for them. 81% 

10. Noncitizen gang members should face mandatory deportation when arrested. 87% 

     So why are many elections won, 51-49%, or even closer? 

     "American system would be far more patriotic and conservative if not for the intense, ferocious left." - Newt Gingrich

     Survey by McLaughlin & Associates

Monday, December 26, 2022

 The Government Warns

     WASHINGTON, D.C. - The White House issued a dire warning, that Elon Musk's ownership of Twitter means they now control only 97% of the media. 

     "We can't overstate how dangerous this is," said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "Yes, we still control Facebook, Google, Apple Instagram, YouTube, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, TIME, USA Today, Hollywood and pretty much all the rest, but we don't own Twitter. This is dangerous to Democracy."

     The entire intelligence community at the CIA, FBI and NSA concurred with the warning, stating that "Elon's ownership of Twitter leaves America vulnerable to dangerous opinions we do not approve of." 

     "Democracy is at stake," said all the agency leaders in a shared statement in which they recited the words simultaneously in a robotic monotone. "We must do something. Democracy is at stake." 


Thursday, December 22, 2022

But after he had considered this, 

an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 

"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home 

as your wife, because what is conceived in her 

is from the Holy spirit. 

She will give birth to a son, 

and you are to give him the name Jesus, 

because he will save his people from their sins.

Matthew 1:20-21

Merry Christmas 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

 Worse Than We Thought 

     Sorry to interrupt our Christmas cheer like a Grinch.

     But Wednesday night the House and Senate got together for what looked like a State of the Union speech. In essence, it was the state of the union. 

     Except the speaker was not our President. It was the leader of war-torn Ukraine...wearing his everyday shirt.  

     We've been thinking, Russia's oligarchy has no business invading Ukraine - true - and the brave defender, Zelenskyy, is a hero of historic proportions. Or something like that. 

     Our Congress certainly thinks so. Members of both parties were standing and clapping like we just won the World Cup. I don't think FDR enjoyed that much gushing. I know Lincoln didn't. 

     So, what's the problem? We want Putin to win? Nooooo!    

     Average Ukrainians are suffering, big time, but Zelenskyy isn't Washington or Lincoln or Reagan. He wants more U.S. money. He wants American troops ultimately on the ground. We hear that he has done away with political opponents, as they do in Russia, China etc. That he has shut down their largest church and generally given Christians a hard time. 

     We hear that U.S. seniors on Social Security may get a "pay cut" soon - which we've expected for some time - but the U.S. has enough billions to pour on top of billions already spent helping Ukraine give Putin a headache. Companies selling (or replacing) weapons for Ukraine are doing okay, we suppose, and politicians supporting the "war" are getting their rewards, so we think. 

     When Ukraine wins and all settles down, Hunter Biden can return to Kiev and milk them for more millions, so long as his dad is President.  

     Our Vice President and Senate (lame duck) Majority Leader sure were gushy, fawning over the foreigner pleading to hike our national debt. Of course, he didn't put it that way.



After the War  


     Without realizing how much our world was changing, we entered a world of plenty and opportunity. Well, not so much yours truly, but for many. We enjoyed ourselves and felt secure in our future, although depression and world war wasn't totally forgotten.

     Polio continued to cripple and take lives, including the brother of my cousin-by-marriage. Still, we were the last generation to have an interlude when there were no threats to our homeland. Okay. No threats until we learned that the Soviets could nuke someone too.

     The cold war, terrorism, global warming (renamed climate change) and economic insecurity had yet to cause unease.

     Only our generation can remember both a time of great war and a time of security, bright promise and plenty. 

     We grew up at the best possible time. Remember the TV comedy, Happy Days

     More than 99 percent of us are either retired or deceased. 

     We don't know if our generation unwittingly allowed the good times to morph into something different. We do think our military might and decades-long national security allowed some to turn inward...finding fault with everything we thought was true and right (not discrimination), but God, family and freedom.  


Sunday, December 18, 2022

 The One Percenters 


     Of those born from 1930 to 1946...telephones were one to a house, often sharing party lines. Computers were called calculators, hand cranked. 

     Typewriters were driven by fingers, throwing the carriage and changing the ribbon. I earned a living doing that up through 1983, probably. Newspapers and magazines were written for adults. News was broadcast on radio each evening. 

     The Government gave returning vets the means to attend college, causing colleges to grow. Pent-up demand opened many factories for work. New highways brought jobs and mobility. 

     Veterans joined civic clubs and became active in politics. The radio network exploded from 3 stations to thousands. Parents were free from the confines of the depression and the war and threw themselves into opportunities they had never imagined. 

     Those born in those years weren't neglected, but we weren't the all-consuming family focus. Looking back, that explains a lot. In some respects, I would cheerfully return to the 1950s.....Happy Days.

     Coming up, 3rd and final chapter of this series.


Friday, December 16, 2022

The 1% Age Group

     Yours truly is a one percenter.

     This group was born between 1930 and 1946. Our age range is 76 to 92. We are the smallest group of children born since the early 1900s. We are the last generation, climbing out of the depression, who can remember the war that rattled daily lives for years. 

     I remember a day in August 1945 when Dad and two uncles were intensely listening to a radio in the living room. Every few minutes, the announcer said, "The war is over." I was goofing around, making noise as kids do, when one uncle looked my way and commanded, "Shut up!" I looked at Dad and timidly offered, "Well, he said the war is over." Like, what else matters? 

     We are the last to remember ration books. Our families saved tin foil and poured fried meat fat into tin cans. We saw cars up on blocks because tires weren't available. Yes, my dad did that.

     We remember milk delivered to our house early in the morning and placed (in our case) by the side door. We knew those who were off to war (two uncles in particular). 

     We are the last generation that spent childhood without TV, imagining what we heard on radio. Without TV, we spent childhood playing outside - hide & seek, riding bikes, climbing trees etc. There was no Little League. 

     I remember radio weather reports for "Western Pennsylvania," which sounded like a very important place. Then I learned that I lived in Western Pennsylvania. On Saturdays, the movie theater gave us newsreels, westerns and cartoons. Awesome. 

     More to come. Based on an email forwarded by a friend.  


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Beware What They Invent   

     The Mrs. is probably weary of my occasional statement: "Everything we invent can be used against us." But, she doesn't deny it. 

     Steam, cameras, radio, phones, railroad trains and print can be used in mischief. Magnets, wrist watches, glue, boats, rope? 

     Airplanes. No debate there. They were first used in World War I, and most hideous was the attack on civilians on 9/11.

     Worldwide web, computers, electric lights, motorized vehicles and steel all can be used to destroy or kill somebody or some thing.

     The printing press, internet, wheels, pens, knives, scissors, guns, baseball bats, bricks and social media come to mind. Electricity was discovered, not invented, but inventions using electric power can make trouble. 

     Nuclear bombs. No debate there. 

     Satellites. If not yet, the day will come. 

     If you can think of a wonderful invention that no one can turn against mankind... 

     Let's love our Savior, not so much our toys. 



Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Element of Surprise

     From a column we read: God has a purpose for all things. He has a purpose for surprises too. 

     Peter wrote: "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you." 1 Peter 4:12 He knew about surprises. Having been warned by Jesus at least three times, he and other disciples still didn't believe their miracle-working teacher was going to be killed.

     God often surprised his people in the past by showing up: at the Red Sea, for reform, for rebuke. Christ himself was not what the Jews expected. But the greatest surprise occurred on the third day after his ignominious death. 

     He had told his followers about that too, but it's unlikely they expected the resurrection while placing his broken body in a tomb. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been doubtful and fearful when he appeared among them with wounded hands and side: the happiest surprise in history.

     In any surprise, God is showing up.

Monday, December 12, 2022

 Will Trump Be Re-elected?

     We don't want to dwell on politics, but this is kind-of important. 

     Joe Biden officially beat Trump two years ago. Since then he has given us inflation, a shamefully open border, energy dependency, more crime, Afghanistan embarrassment, higher interest rates, family collusion with China (and Ukraine) which has earned the Bidens $31 million (and compromised the U.S.), political sidekicks who lied under oath, and used Twitter, Silicon Valley, so-called news media, social media and the FBI in party warfare.

     These people, if given an edge, will mess with our Constitution, electoral college and the 1st Amendment (critical). And they will abolish the 2nd Amendment. So long, democracy. It was nice knowing you. 

     Will Trump be re-elected and return to his stellar ways that improved the life of so many Americans? 

     Since his announcement to run again, he has not been a uniter. He never was. Swing voters will not get aboard. He has filled the air with controversy, spats, melodramas and social media rants. He calls potential rivals like accomplished Gov. Desantis names. 

     The above from Victor Hanson of the Hoover Institution. 

     Trump was treated unfairly by a politicized FBI intrusion. That won't get him votes. 

     So, Views has the view that should elderly Trump and elderly Biden meet again, Donald Trump will lose again. Republicans' modest inroad in November despite atrocious leadership by socialist Democrats tells me so. Case in point: Georgia's senate race. Voters chose a democracy-hater over a man who was immoral during his youth, and since repented.  



Thursday, December 8, 2022

Blending With Babylon  

     Babylon represents all pagan and humanistic cultures of the unregenerate world. In the last days of the tribulation, these cultures (formed into nations), will be overthrown by God. Revelation 17:1, 18:2.

     As Christian influence declines, America becomes more like Babylon. 

Short takes from Isaiah 47: 

     Our Redeemer - the Lord Almighty is his name...

     But you didn't consider these things or reflect what might happen. Now then listen you wanton creature, lounging in your security. You have trusted in your wickedness. Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you. 

     Disaster will come upon you that you cannot ward off with a ransom. All the counsel you have received has only worn you out. Each of them goes on in his error. There is not one who can save you.



Monday, December 5, 2022

 Georgia on My Mind  

     Say what you want about powerful New York or California, even Florida. Important matters in the USA will depend somewhat on voters in the Peach State. 

     It is fitting that our typeface here is called "Georgia." 

     A runoff for U.S. Senate ends on Tuesday. Herschel Walker, a businessman, former Heisman trophy winner, faces Sen. Raphael Warnock, who was appointed to fill out a term two years ago. 

     In the general election, Warnock finished one percentage vote better, but neither man reached 50 percent, hence the runoff. Democrats have already won half - 50 - of the seats, giving them great power should all 50 senators agree on some matter. 

     Should an issue be crucial, there still are senators Manchin and Sinema, who haven't been 100% in line with Democratic leadership.  

     While the House will have Republican leadership, the Senate can still accomplish much the hate-America Democrats desire if Warnock keeps his seat. 

     Walker has baggage from his youth. Liberals strongly in favor of abortion accuse him of paying for two abortions. Get it? 

     But Walker has "come to Jesus" and is a new person. Warnock, pastors Ebenezer Baptist Church - in his spare time? - and approves of abortion. His church is under investigation for a ministry arm evicting residents of low-income housing. He criticized other landlords of doing the same during COVID. 

     Is this the lesser of two evils? In November, 80,000 votes went to Chase Oliver. What issue will they favor Tuesday, if they vote at all? Republican Gov. Brian Kemp won reelection handily, but polling shows this race for senate too close to call. 



Friday, December 2, 2022

Pastor's Kid Excels 

     Seth Dillon has a knack for comedy, landing him at the helm of the Babylon Bee in 2018. 

     The Bee writes satire from a Christian perspective. This means speaking truth to culture through humor.  

     "It also means holding the church itself accountable," he says. "We need levity and laughter in the church not just because we take ourselves far too seriously, but because we're in just as much need of correction as anyone else." 

     Dillon adds, representing and defending the Bee in the media has "become the most fun and rewarding part of my job. I have the opportunity to fight for truth, freedom and life on the biggest stages imaginable."

     "Christians - Christian institutions - can be far too squishy. In the name of love, we cede too much ground. We need to be willing to stand firmly in our convictions and in defense of the truth, even if it means making a few people mad on Twitter." 

     He says, "The mob will get weaker only if you starve it by refusing to give it what it wants. And the truth will only prevail if it's fiercely and unapologetically defended. When I said Christian institutions need a backbone, I meant they need to stop caring about the mob."