Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Purpose or Chance?  

   Are we God's purposeful design, or complicated creatures that somehow evolved out of something that somehow evolved out of something that somehow evolved out of...?

   In a WORLD magazine article, STANDING ON GENESIS, Rachel Aldrich explains, "The Bible shows that God made the universe and life with purpose." 

   "Darwinism is purposeless. The Bible opens with a statement of intention: 'In the beginning, God created...' The Bible also says, 'I Praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.'" (Psalm 139:14) 

   "Darwinism speculates (scientists cannot 'know') that some cells survived; others did not. The Bible (written over 15 centuries) speaks of the goodness of a loving Creator, his world being 'very good.'"

   "Careful balances in biology, physics and more allow life to exist. Not random chance." 

   "The intelligent design community's existence contradicts the notion that science equals evolution," she writes. "You don't to have a commitment to Christianity (or any other religion) to recognize that the world didn't spring from blind selection."

   "Paul wrote, 'For his invisible attributes, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world.'" (Romans 1:20)

~ ~ ~

It's far more than an intellectual debate.

Every human life is eternal.

Belief leads to eternal salvation. Disbelief leads to eternal doom.

It is impossible for human eyes and other systems to have evolved. 

God knocks on our front door. (Rev. 3:20) But we must hear and open it.


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