Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Forgiveness, Then Fellowship 

   We wrote recently about love, and that our Lord calls the forgiven to love him more than anyone. 

   We mentioned the unfortunate translation in the gospel of Luke telling us to hate our family members, but love God. No. No. No. We love others, but we give Jesus our best...whatever that means in our individual lives. Remember the woman who put two coins - all she had - in the offering, and Jesus singled her out.   

   God created us and he has our eternal destiny in his hands. Family ties and friendships are important and valuable, but no relationship rises to the level of fellowship with our sovereign Lord.

   God is known as our Father. He created eggs in women and sperm in men. It was easy for him to create one "miracle" sperm in a virgin's body. Jesus indeed was and is his Son. 

   His Son grew up and his Father substituted him for us on the cross. Now he wishes to be our Lord, and also friend, something we'll understand best when we see him. Meanwhile, there is no other way, but to trust and obey.


PS. Suppose Jesus spoke to your spirit saying, "The worst day of my life is yet to come." It's not the crucifixion, but consigning people of his creation to hell that troubles him most.  See Revelation 20:11-15. 

He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. - 2 Peter 3:9


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