Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A Dream for the Ages  

   Is the USA mentioned in the Bible? Of course not. Are we connected to Biblical prophecy? Hmmm. Could be, and it would explain some present-day issues. 

   In 605 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar somehow had the power to form a pagan kingdom in Babylon, where modern Iraq lies. He took no guff from anyone. We'll just refer to "the king" so we don't have to type his name again. 

   The king had lots of officials, like U.S. presidents, along with magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers...referred to as "wise men." After all, when you have a number of gods, you need wise men to interpret.

   Babylon crushed surrounding civilizations, last of all, Judah. 

   They took back to Babylon numerous Jewish survivors considered useful, we guess. One of them was a young man named Daniel, and three of his close friends. They were trained to serve in the kingdom. 

   But Daniel, unwilling to defile himself with pagan ways, even at the risk of death, found help in avoiding the rules. He was the true wise man. He and his friends were taught knowledge and understanding, and Daniel was able to interpret dreams (we assume - a gift from God). Daniel chapter 1. 

   In Daniel 2, the king had a dream that troubled him greatly. 

   The next morning, he assembled his wise men, demanding interpretation, and if they couldn't do it, they would be "cut to pieces." Daniel etc. were not with them, but because they served in the same "department," they were at risk also.

   Astrologers told the king no one on earth can do what he asks. No king has ever asked such a thing from any magician or enchanter or astrologer. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods.

   Can you see the king's face getting red? An order of execution went out.

   Daniel spoke to the commander of the king's guard with wisdom and tact. With his help he asked the king for time, went to his house to pray, and that night God revealed the mystery in a vision. 

Tomorrow: Get it right, or die

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