Saturday, November 20, 2021


14 years working in a Westinghouse transformer plant

taught me a few things about invisible electricity.

Alternating current never leaves the power plant.

A generator generates pressure in electrons.

A "power" transformer increases the voltage along copper lines.

Near the customers, "step-down" transformers gradually

reduce voltage, as current increases.

The "electrons" you use tomorrow will be the same you used today.

From start to finish, voltage and current is "conducted." 

Little did I know then that I can be a conductor.

I say, "As you wish," and the invisible Lord does as he pleases.

Unlike electricity, there is no "charge."

2,000 years ago people wouldn't have understood,

so Scripture says, (invisible) "streams of living water will flow from within."

The Holy Spirit is the generator, the power, and also a conductor.

Does He dwell in you?

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