Thursday, October 28, 2021

Lord, Have Mercy     

   It took the lone Senate parliamentarian to prevent immigrants from getting legal status in a "budget reconciliation" bill. 

   Same goes for a $15 minimum wage by the same process.

   "Congressional leaders have abandoned legislative persuasion and anointed raw political power," writes the editor of WORLD magazine. In 2013 Harry Reid muscled through a measure to eliminate the 60-vote requirement for confirming presidential nominees. In 2017, Mitch McConnell did the same for Supreme Court nominees. 

   In recent years, Congress (both parties) has shut down the federal government three times while fighting over spending bills. In 2005 and 2006, House committees met 449 times to deliberate legislation. By 2015 and 2016, that number fell to 254.

   The Senate's fall - from 252 committee meetings to 69. 

   Instead of compromise and deliberation, congressional politics has become a hunt for power. 

   The American Enterprise Institute has suggestions for reform. 

   We the voters could improve Congress by electing "candidates more serious about statesmanship and less addicted to showmanship," WORLD says. But, how many voters these days know the difference? Views wants to know.

   As our cousin in Arizona used to say, and probably still does, Lord, have mercy! 



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