Saturday, October 2, 2021

An Interruption Might be a Divine Appointment

It's possible that when the phone rings

or there's a knock on the door

or somebody wants a favor 

or we see someone with a flat tire...

it may be a divine appointment.

Jesus allowed himself to be interrupted.

Many of his miracles were Spirit-prompted interruptions.

On his way into town, a blind man named Bartimaeus 

interrupted him and received his sight.

Jesus was on his way to a good deed

when a woman with chronic illness touched him and was healed.

He was interrupted by a leper and healed him.

At a Pharisee's home a "sinful woman" crashed the party,

weeping many tears at his feet, and he forgave.

The ultimate interruption, on the cross,

was in fact the Father's greatest work for him.

- John Ortberg


Don't miss: Views this Monday-Friday...power from Genesis to Revelation

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