Wednesday, October 27, 2021

 Evidence for Seekers 

   Does God provide insufficient evidence, as atheist philosopher Bertrand Russell once claimed? 

   Marvin Olasky, himself once an atheist, of Jewish birth, offers a few history lessons for anyone looking for God - in human activity.

1. Thirty Years War. Catholics and Protestants fought each other, using Christian claims to pursue their subjective tendencies.

2. Enlightenment. It produced the French Revolution, exchanging God for the religion of Reason, which led to the guillotine.

3. American racism. Slaves were brutalized and 600,000 or more Civil War soldiers died. Northerners abandoned ex-slaves in 1877 and we are still paying for the sins of our patriarchs.  

4. 20th Century. Germans, Russians and others adopted the teachings of Darwin and Marx. Consider the Holocaust and Stalin's mass murders. Humans treated as products of material forces. Knowledge without wisdom. 

5. Atomic bombs. Never before in history has a potent new weapon not been used again. God, perhaps? Pray that Iran and North Korea don't join the club. 

6. Jewish nation. What are the odds that Abraham's few descendants would reassemble in Palestine amid enemy nations, after 2,000 years, and after 6 million murdered? 50-1. God keeps his promises. Stay tuned!  

   Olasky adds, of any similar population, Israel has had far more Nobel Prize winners, chess champions, and other leading intellectuals ... even more comedians.

   Blaise Pascal, he writes, was wiser than Bertrand Russell. He understood that God establishes Biblical objectivity while respecting man's subjective liberty: 

"God is willing to appear openly to those who seek him with all their heart, and to be hidden from those who flee from him with all their heart. God so regulates the knowledge of himself that he has given indications of himself which are visible to those who seek him, and not to those who do not seek him. There is enough light, and enough obscurity."

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