Friday, October 15, 2021

 If Not Disciples…Rocks

    The first day of the last week, the King of kings rode humbly into Jerusalem on a colt. (see Zechariah 9:9) 

    Residents, aware of his miracles, joyfully spread their cloaks and palm branches on the road, praising God in loud voices: Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!   - Psalm 118:26  

    Pharisees, not buying the "king" idea, said, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" Jesus replied, "I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."

If Not Pro-Lifers…Bones

    Marchers, lawyers and pregnancy center counselors battle long odds. We assume that some in government and media are looking for a way to silence pro-lifers. Would opposition to abortion end?

    “Maybe so,” wrote Marvin Olasky, “but the very bones cry out.”  

    He refers to a book, CHOICE WORDS, quoting 150 international authors, all committed to abortion, or at least, choice.

    Twenty of them included “poetry that shows how abortion sometimes leads to self-hatred and is always tragic,” Olasky wrote. One of them is Gwendolyn Brooks, the first African-American to win a Pulitzer Prize for poetry, in 1945.

    Pratibha Kelapure wrote of “blood, hope and the whisper of a life flowed away, leaving the elephant of guilt on your shoulder until your heart is buried too deep to pulse with life.”

    Farideh Mostafavi wrote, “Since your death in the eyes of all flowers, I am nothing but the wind with the bloody hands.”

    The book also shows how abortion hardens some. Leyla Josephine wrote, in part, “I will not be tamed. It will not be wasted. This is my body. This is my body. This is my body. I don’t care about your ignorant views.”

    In another column, Olasky wrote that abortion could be called “child sacrifice.”




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