Saturday, July 6, 2019

Photo Seen Around the World     
   Finally, accountability.

   Did you see the sad photo of a father and 2-year-old daughter face down in the Rio Grande? The father had set his girl, Valeria, on the northern bank and started back for his wife and another child. The frightened toddler understandably went back into the water to be with her daddy.

   Swift current swept both away.

   El Salvador's new president said his country bears responsibility, as security and economic hardships he inherited are driving people to desperate decisions. "People don't leave their homes because they want to. People flee their homes because they feel they have to," he told BBC. They feel they have no choice, he added.

   "We can blame any other country, but what about our blame? What country did they flee? They fled El Salvador, they fled our country, it is our fault," he said.

   In the U.S., where we scorn each other, some blame Trump policies. Others blame Congress for failing to fix immigration laws..
   It's just sad. 

Washington Post

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