Tuesday, July 2, 2019

It's Declaration Time Again   

   They declared freedom to choose...

life's work

           to travel

    to try ... to fail and try again

                             to speak    or write

   question or criticize 

          to praise          to save and build         to worship or not

                to borrow and build             to buy and sell          to vote

    to make an honest profit        to start a business        to create  

          to discover and to heal        to teach and to learn      to dream

                                     to protect and defend

   It wasn't perfect, and there were restrictions. Natives were forced from their lands. Africans continued to be enslaved in southern states. And not everyone lives by the rules, or use their freedom wisely. July 4th, 1776, announced to the world there would come a better way of doing nation. A way for we the people, not the kings and bullies. 

   And Ben Franklin said, it's "a Republic, if you can keep it."


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