Friday, July 26, 2019

Our Spiritually Blind Colleges   

   After 75 years on its campus, Wayne State University denied renewal of a Christian student fellowship because, "its constitution violates nondiscrimination policy." The group requires leaders to be Christian. Imagine that!!!

   WSU student organizations must open leadership to everyone, even those who oppose a group's stated mission or beliefs. 
Love, joy and peace. WSU, got a problem with that?

   The university told a court that the group makes second-class citizens of students who don't accept their religious pledge. Wow! Like, there is no other organization on campus where an atheist or Muslim can enjoy membership? Who are the real second-class citizens here? 

   Wayne State's policy might have a whiff of merit if it applied to all organizations. But, no; only to Christian groups. 

   In 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that public universities could - but were not obligated to - require all student groups to admit members and leaders without regard to beliefs. With that underwhelming declaration of right, some universities began purging campuses of Christian student groups.

Patience, kindness and goodness. Justices, got a problem with that?

   It's okay to exclude members based on sex, politics, etc. On what grounds did the Supreme Court rule on a state matter, anyway?

   A lower court ordered the University of Iowa to allow a Christian group to remain on campus, but the school dug in, clearing the campus of nearly 40 religious groups. 

Faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Iowa, got a problem with that?

   A student at Wayne State says, "We want everyone to feel welcome, but why should our Bible studies, prayer and worship be led by someone who doesn't believe?"

   What are the intellectuals afraid of? And what if the Supreme Court took that vote today? 



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