Thursday, July 11, 2019

Guidelines continued     
Anger Without Sin     
4. Elusive answers    

   In God's scheme of things, Joe Belz says, not all answers are equally accessible.

   We hold to truth we learned long ago, but details may not be as clear as we thought. The principles may be less simple than when we were young.

   We can believe in market economics, while admitting that sometimes the state must overrule abuse of freedoms. Belz wants to be a lion with regard to known truth, and a pussycat when it's not so clear.

5. Esteeming others   

   The Bible tells Christians to think of other Christians as better than themselves. 

   Relating to non-Christians is different, but we're told to have high regard and even to pray for those who "despitefully use you." 

   Whatever we take from Biblical instructions, we can be open to a respectful discussion with any opponent also willing to be open. 

   It's easier to be angry and say or write something negative about people we're not likely to meet face to face. We may feel better, but we've accomplished nothing for our Lord. 


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