Wednesday, July 24, 2019

In 280 Words   
Around the Country     
Open season on police   
   Many of the honest - illegal border crossings aside - people attempting entry into the U.S. are fleeing danger. Some young men are forced to join violent gangs, or else. Some choose "else." 

   Women of all ages are vulnerable. Law enforcement in several countries seems to be nil. Some people flee not just for opportunity but freedom. 

   Wouldn't it be something if immigrants later discovered our anti-police crowd got their way and the U.S. no longer offered more safety than their home country? 

Did you pay your taxes?    
   That's more then many companies did in 2018, taking advantage of provisions in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Any collusion here? 

   Sixty Fortune 500 companies avoided all federal income taxes; some received income tax rebates. The 10 most profitable:, Delta Air Lines, Chevron, General Motors, EOG Resources, Occidental Petroleum, Duke Energy, Dominion Resources, Honeywell International and Deere. 

How the world turns    
   In the 1960s, liberalism launched the free speech movement at Cal-Berkeley and the Summer of Love in San Francisco. 

   Talk about evolution? 

    Liberation has turned into trigger warnings, safe spaces and attempts to ban microaggression. In June, the California State Assembly "proposed" that all religious leaders affirm LGBT lifestyles and oppose "conversion therapy," even if that is what certain individuals want.  

   It is, says Marvin Olasky, "the soft dictatorship that pushes conformity to the reigning worldview, or else. Officials in China and California prefer soft rather than hard dictatorship," he adds. "They do not need as many jailers if dissidents imprison themselves."




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