Friday, December 1, 2017

It is a Mystery      

   So, how does unbelief result in serial murders?

   Augustine acknowledged the problem centuries ago. He asked, what if evil is the absence of a thing? 

   In The City of God, he wrote: "...the loss of good has received the name "'evil.'"  

   C.S. Lewis wrote: "The whole difficulty ... is that the thing to be understood is so nearly nothing." 

   Janie Cheaney, in WORLD magazine, says, "Rejecting God creates (or leaves) a hole in the human soul, and whatever fills that emptiness is the residue of corrupted being. It is a mystery."

   "That doesn't mean that unbelievers are potential mass murderers. That requires a particular skill set. But we all partake of emptiness." 

   One good came out of 51 days of fright. The people living in Seminole Heights rallied together. 

   The 24-year-old has no police record locally. He is a college graduate, but not working in his field, sports management. Friends who once knew him best say his demeanor had changed. 

   His last victim was a 60-year-old who had turned his life over to God, and was killed early one morning on his way to volunteer at a church food ministry. 

   The shooter may have a mental issue that sometimes affects people in early adulthood. In any case, he had no fear of God, or he wouldn't have shot four strangers. That's our unprofessional opinion. 

   He has cooperated with police, but has not admitted crimes. We really don't know if there's a spiritual or some other answer.   


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