Sunday, December 17, 2017

   Are Christians at War?   

Years ago a national conference of women
sought to have Onward Christian Soldiers removed from the hymnal.

We say, if saints aren't at war, remove chapter 6 of Ephesians 
from the Bible, along with portions of Revelation, etc. 
We say, the ladies unknowingly had surrendered to the stealth enemy.

Paul, whom God chose to bring light to the Gentiles,
wrote that the devil still schemes against believers.
He heads an army of "rulers, authorities, powers 
and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
They are organized, and have nothing to lose.

To stand our ground, we wear the armor of "truth," 
"righteousness," the "gospel," "faith" and the hope of "salvation." 
"Prayer" is essential in this life-long conflict, a key to personal victory. 

For offense, there is the "Word of God." 
It is offensive to the enemy.
The Commander offers this "sword" as our weapon.
We have a choice - to use it, or surrender.

Even so, we overcome only by the power of the Holy Spirit 
and our resolve to believe Spirit-inspired Scripture (Romans 8:13). 

Combat soldiers suffer hardships and opposition. 
They persevere, following the orders of their superiors. 

Christians walk a similar path, if we're truly following the King of kings.


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