Saturday, December 2, 2017

Getting No Respect Here!      

   We're a little envious of idle, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. First, GQ magazine embraces him as "person of the year." Then, Sports Illustrated follows with an award. 

   What did he do but kneel while others stood? We want attention too.    

   So, we need to get better known, then demonstrate to the nation that we too are unhappy about injustice ... that we have a conscience.

   Okay. The Tampa Bay Bucs' quarterback, Jameis Winston, was out with an injured shoulder for two weeks. We could have subbed for him.

   Well, the Bucs would look at our experience - none, and our age - old. Excuses, excuses.

   We would be glad to help the New York Giants, what with star Eli Manning being benched. He's old too. But, nothing doing. The G-men will tell you we're not tall enough, or heavy enough. Not enough arm strength. 

   Colin is unemployed the whole season and he's Mr. Wonderful. We get bypassed  and nobody notices.

   It seems ... it could be ... that GQ and SI don't look for results. They want the proper attitudes, some touchy-feeley stuff. America is bad, stuff. 

   Okay. We can do that.

   We're disappointed with the injustice of bad schools in the inner city. Troubled by the "rights" of criminal, illegals at the expense of actual citizens. 

   Disturbed by an epidemic of drug overdoses. Angry that military chaplains are not permitted to mention Christ. Upset about liars and cheaters in every facet of society. 
Is that enough for starters?

   Now, if an NFL playoff team will just give us a tryout...

      Call me- Joltin' Jimmy

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