Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Disease Spreads

- Cal Thomas, part 3

     Reporters and editors who concoct narratives consistently align with the agenda of the Democratic Party. But the affliction is not confined to Democrats. 

     Fox News prime time hosts delivered reports about the 2020 election results that were the opposite of views they held in private. It was all about ratings. The case was settled out of court with Fox agreeing to pay Dominion more than $700 million. 

     Reporting about Russian "collusion" in the 2016 campaign and related stories were "shoddy journalism," said investigative reporter Jeff Gerth. Today, being wrong and biased requires no apology or admission of error. Reporters just move on to their next stories. Even Bob Woodward of the Washington Post chastised his own newspaper, calling the Steele dossier a "garbage document."

     Into this morass I jumped in 1984 when my column began. Even then, many of our editorial and op-ed pages suffered from a woeful lack of responsible conservative commentary - William F. Buckley Jr. and George F. Will excepted. I argued this fact with Tom Johnson, then publisher of the Los Angeles Times and a Democrat. He agreed and opened the door for me (my column is now distributed by Tribune out of Chicago). 

     Unfortunately, mainstream media is now bifurcated between right and left. When it comes to matters of faith in something other than government, much of the media has remained deliberately blind. 

To be continued

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