Thursday, June 22, 2023

No Other Place to Go 

Part 3     

     "American support has continued, with more or less enthusiasm depending on which party is in the White House. Israel promotes itself as a "Startup Nation," citing the high number of new tech companies per capita. 

     "But amid the ongoing conflict over judicial reform, some investors are pulling out. Medzini (the 90-year-old former spokesperson) notes international companies rely on a stable judicial system and the rule of law. 

     "Some argue Israel should be governed by the laws of the Torah, a notion Medzini dismisses as impossible. 'Can you govern a modern, industrial, technological country by the laws of the Torah? Who would protect minority rights? Who will protect the rights of Arabs?' 

     "Both Biden and Netanyahu hail their 40 years of friendship. Still, the tensions between them are real. A March Gallup poll showed 49 percent of U.S. Democrats sympathized with the Palestinians, while only 38 percent sympathized with Israelis. 

     "Uncertainty in Israel continues. Polls showed 60 percent of citizens don't feel represented by their government, and a slight majority are pessimistic about the nation's future.

     "Medzini: 'I can't tell you how it's going to pan out, but we will overcome it. I have no doubt, because we are resilient, we are resourceful. We have no other place to go and no other country. Eventually, we will find the proper solution.'"

Source: WORLD magazine

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