Saturday, June 10, 2023

Looking for Truth 

     Cal Thomas and I, Jimmy Donut, began our journalism careers in 1961. That's about all we have in common, other than our faith. I retired unknown, in 1999, while Thomas is still providing national information that is cancelled by other "journalists" today. 

     In some cases, the latter may be non-journalists planted in news media to lead gullible Americans down the path to godless, communistic ruin.

    This coming week we will share some of Cal's reflections on the last 50 years. Here, we share his response to questions by Lynn Vincent in WORLD magazine.

What has America Lost?

     "They have lost Truth, which has been replaced by opinion from a secular progressive perspective. It is why trust in the media is near a record low. Objectivity is impossible since we all have worldviews. Fairness is another matter - it means reporting what one sees without an agenda." 

What are the chances there will be another "you" in mainstream media?

     "As for being a believer and succeeding in this business, I think you have to read everything others read and know what they know. Then it's important to join organizations they belong to and let them see you don't behave like a drooling fanatic. Christian faith has intellectual depth. I tell aspiring journalists to get in the door, have a servant spirit, and let their light shine. A Christan can suggest stories that actually lead to real solutions, rather than the familiar rhetorical combat one sees on TV."




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