Monday, June 12, 2023

 Ben Franklin's Idea

- Cal Thomas, part 2

     The "free" press may rule tyrannically because it is liberated from considerations of justice or precedent. It can subvert rational habits of mind and reverence for the law. Some 250 years ago, Ben Franklin witnessed the birth of a new class, a press corps. For him, a free press must be checked by a vigilant and jealous public, to energize against "abuses of liberty." 

     (We wonder, how can we "check the press" when we - as a whole - have no other source of truth?) 

      When I became a reporter, the evening news lasted 15 minutes. When it expanded to 30 minutes, some feared there might not be enough news to fill the time. Now that news is 14/7/365...airways are filled with factoids that are mostly to fit a narrative, then recycled endlessly to be opined upon by commentators who, though not necessarily knowledgeable, happen to be comfortable in front of cameras. 

     David Brinkley once said, "We must try to be fair." While journalists cannot empty themselves of certain prejudices, we can set those aside to impartially report all sides. If only that were the goal of modern media.

     Instead, many in media pander to a limited audience and reinforce what they already think. That isn't reporting. In totalitarian societies, it's called propaganda. 

To be continued

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