Sunday, April 9, 2023

Who Knew?

     Not his disciples. Not the hostile crowd, or the Roman soldiers.

     It was a day of the Lord. 

                          Not the Day of the Lord yet to come. 

     You and I were judged for our transgressions. 

     God's vengeance on us was carried out, not by Christ, but on him.

     On the cross, before he breathed his last, he forgave those who whipped him, mocked him and nailed him there. They didn't know.

     Now resurrected, he offers forgiveness. Do we want to be forgiven?

     We are free to believe, forsake our ways, and begin to "follow" him. 

     His astonished, delighted disciples were eager for him to restore the kingdom to Israel, Abraham's children. Ah...not yet. 

     He told them to - go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And surely, I will be with you always. 

     The Day of the Lord and Israel's restoration is still on schedule. 

     Deliverance for some. Spiritual death for all the others. 

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