Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Day of the Lord

Part 1

     This is the week.

     The story began in Eden. There was light, water, vegetation, stars, two great lights, living creatures in the sea, birds, livestock, wild animals... "and God saw that it was good." 

     He made man in his own rule over the earth. Soon, there was fear, guilt and shame. Then a flood the world over. Sodom and Gomorrah. Rescue for some; judgment for others. Deliverance for Hebrew slaves; death for Pharoah's army. 

     Before Moses descended the mountain, impatient people built and worshipped a golden calf. 

     The day of the Lord will be the best news for some, and the worst news for all the rest. Prophets warned...disaster for the wicked, deliverance for the faithful. 

     God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. Deut. 4:24. 

     Isaiah 13:9: "The day of the Lord is near...cruel, with wrath and anger." Jeremiah 46:10: "The sword will drink its fill of blood." Amos 5:18, 20: "Will not the day be darkness, not light, and pitch-dark, without a ray of brightness in it?"

     Will Friday be the Day? 

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