Friday, April 7, 2023

All is Quiet

     It is Saturday. The Sabbath continues.

     Those who wouldn't take truth for an answer are satisfied.

     Those whose teacher was crucified are crushed. 

     What's going on here? The Messiah didn't come in victory. 

     Wasn't this the Day of the Lord? 


Day of Judgment 


     ...a day of darkness, earthquakes, wrath. A crowd armed with swords and clubs. A kiss of death. Spit, thorns and fists. Liars.

     A murderer set free. An innocent man condemned. Friends slip away. The sun stops shining. 

     Blood money. Flogging. Mocking. The temple curtain torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shakes and rocks split. Tombs break open. Roman guards are terrified. 

     A crucifixion, confirmed with a spear into his side. Take his body down. It's time for the Sabbath.  

     Friday night. Time to rest, in obedience to the commandment. 

     Could this be the Day of the Lord?


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