Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Saving the World

Seeking peace  

     English is the language world governments use. If we don't solve the vowel crisis, Mandarin will replace English. So, I called the five vowels together, determined to make peace at all costs. 

     a              e              i             o            u

     Okay. So, they're not together. I encouraged unity with a question:           Be yo up an in?    Silence.  

     Then, a glared at o and snarled, yoyo! To which o replied, ok, go ax ya...and before he could finish, u yelled at i, if it is, is it? Then E laughed, he he, and the o laughed ho ho

     But, o did provide a glimmer of hope when he said to all, do no mo of wo or... Unwilling to allow o to hog all the attention, the vowels just lost it, o included: 


p@so?/?as-ye)#`at=|ex*\\| ad.... 

     Stop! I yelled. Gather together!   a        e       i       o        u

     Closer!      a   e   i   o   u  

     Now, listen to me. You have forgotten that you all have prominent roles in the English spelling of the Holy One. See that, o? Look, e and u, you have the privilege of appearing in the Name, Jesus. And i, you are in Christ. You and a are side by side in Messiah, and e is with you. You again, o, a contribution to Lord. And i, you have two places in Spirit. 

     Repent of your pride, all five of you, and come together in love.


     That's better. 

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