Thursday, March 7, 2019

One by One
Kicking Them Out      

   The central government of China is cracking down on foreign missionaries. Beijing is ridding the country of all foreign influences, especially Korean and Western missionaries.

   Even entire mission agencies have been kicked out, and missionaries who remain know their time is limited.

   One missionary, interrogated for days, concluded: "My life is in God's hands, whether I die or continue to live, everything is up to God." Then he felt "enormous peace." 

   The Chinese crackdown is a radical turn not seen since Mao's reign. The pressure goes along with demolishing crosses of state-sanctioned churches and barring Communist Party members and minors from attending church services.

   Persecution of South Koreans is even more severe, as the government is less afraid of diplomatic push back. 

   Not all is lost. The expulsions provide an opportunity to help Chinese missionaries planning to minister in the Middle East or Southeast Asia. 

   Chinese have little training and support. But foreign missionaries are receiving teams of Chinese into different countries around the world, helping them adjust. 

WORLD magazine

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