Wednesday, March 27, 2019

He Heals All Our Diseases    
   Isn't that what Christians read in the Bible? Isn't that why one sect of believers won't go to doctors?

   The Lord promises abundant life, and joy, no matter what.


   We know that Christians as a whole are healthier than people with unhealthy habits. But Christians also can get most any disease known to man.

   Even mental illness comes calling.

   Prayer doesn't always comfort, and Bible verses quoted by friends don't always help, writes Janie B. Cheaney, WORLD magazine.

   In a world that works contrary to God's ways, our problems may be physical, spiritual or emotional. 

   Jesus is in the moment, every moment, and the Holy Spirit is in the believer's soul, even when a body is sick or broken. We are not greater than our Lord, who suffered and died for us, his body broken.

   The power of God, writes Simonetta Carr, works "in ways that are counter intuitive, mysterious, even imperceptible." 

   The peace from Jesus is "not as the world gives" (temporary and superficial), adds Cheaney.

   Some are healed. One can witness even more powerfully, perhaps, by praising God when physical healing does not come. Ultimate victory is in the next life, where there are no more tears. 

   Last year we wrote of our daughter who carried to term a son that the world would have aborted. She and her husband let Sovereign God determine his life span.

   God allowed the extra chromosomes. He allowed the parents to choose life, spend 26 precious hours with their baby, and then He took the child home. All is well.  



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