Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Never Understanding     
   A Chinese government official has accused the West of using Christianity to weaken the country's political power. He called for obedience to a socialist interpretation of religion.

   He threatened "people who try to subvert national security under the guise of Christianity."

   "Only by continuously carrying forward and practicing the core values of socialism can Christianity truly be suited to socialist society," he said.

   The government has cracked down on religious groups it views as a threat to the Communist Party. China plans to rewrite the New Testament based on Buddhist and Confucian teachings. 

   Maybe the Lord Budda will say, give unto President Xi Jinping what is his. Period.  

   Along with harassment and detainment, China has demolished crosses on more than 4,500 church buildings over the past year. Some Chinese Christians vary service days and times to avoid surveillance by officials. 

WORLD online

   American Christians might reconsider any thoughts about voting for socialists in 2020 or ever. The spirit behind Chinese authoritarianism and America's so-called democratic socialists is one and the same.



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