Tuesday, April 24, 2018

News Flash!     

   Earth ... is on the Decline   

   If you think Sunday's Earth Day resolutions will keep our planet habitable, maybe we can worry you with hot news from Earth's liquid outer core:
   Earth's magnetic field is weakening!

   Yes, time is coming when electrical grids will fail, navigational systems and satellites will go crazy, and compasses will no long direct Boy Scouts safely back to their pup tents. Furthermore, solar radiation will be worse. Hello, skin cancer.
   Residual currents - which sustain the magnetic field, formed when God created Earth - are dying. 

   Natural movement of hot, liquid iron in Earth's outer core generates the magnetic field we've come to depend on. But interaction with the cooler, more solid mantel disrupts the flow of iron, which itself is cooling.

   It's okay. We don't understand it either.

   The weakest region stretches from Chile to Zimbabwe, 1,800 miles beneath Southern Africa. Take their word for it.

   A modern pole reversal, which they say happened 800,000 years ago, is what we need to fear. 

   Does that mean north becomes south and vice versa? Think of all the Civil War history that would need to be rewritten, probably on the walls of prehistoric caves.


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