Wednesday, April 4, 2018

March Madness in the Bored Room   

   For the amusement of Views By the Sea readers, following are the minutes of our Board of Directors meeting in March.

   The chairman called the meeting to odor.

   Secretary Typo read minutes of the February meeting. No agenda or journalistic improvements reported. 

   Mr. Writeless motioned that we allow the TV while we meet, as the NCAA basketball tournament was on. Motion carried.

   Mr. Stats gave a financial report:
      Expenses                        Income 
      Ink cartridge    $28.92
      Source info        26.10
      Electricity            2.55
      Note paper            .77      $  0.00 
               Total       $58.34      $  0.00

   Ms. Wordless proposed cutbacks in the frequency of blogs, from seven per week to one, to save on expense. Mr. Donut objected. Motion tabled.

   Mr. Writeless announced that Michigan leads Florida State by a point at halftime. 

   Ms. Participle dangled the idea of leaving politics out of Views. Several board members argued that political bias improves reader attention spans. No compromise was reached.

   Mr. Audience asked for an update on readership. Mr. Stats reported 105 page views over the past seven days, by readers using devices in the U.S., and one each in Canada, United Kingdom and Washington, DC. 

   Ms. Domain asked for a report on traffic sources. Mr. Stats reported 90 percent of our blogs were seen on Facebook, 8 percent via, and 2 percent apparently were Russian hackers. 

   Mr. Pagebreak moved that the meeting adjourn.

   Mr. Writeless objected, noting that Michigan was ahead by three points with 40 seconds still to play. 

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