For the slight amusement of Views readers, following are
the minutes from our Board of Directors April meeting:
* The chairperson called the meeting to order, welcoming seven new directors, who replaced those who resigned in March.
* Secretary Typo read minutes of the March meeting, in minutes.
* New business, Mr. Broker proposed going public to meet revenue needs.
* Ms. Curious questioned the value we might expect on a share of stock at the initial offer.
* Directors concluded that a share of Views By the Sea might go as high as a penny, although one director guessed four cents.
* Ms. Total, calculator in hand, stated that we would need 1,330 shareholders at one cent per share just to break even on our average monthly expense, and another new 1,330 shareholders every month. A groan went through the room.
* Mr. Adman said either we invest in advertising, or Mr. Donut needs to jazz up his writing. Silence went through the room.
* Three more directors resigned.
* Mr. Donut moved that the meeting adjourn.
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