Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Beware! We May Be Unsafe    
   Our "partner" in this blogging business, Mark Zuckerberg, is being grilled by U.S. senators who may not know any more about technology than we do. However, they understand matters of privacy and nefarious hijackings of information that users post on Facebook.

   When we have stuff the world needs to know before it cracks up, we rely on Facebook to expand our readership. 

   Zuckerberg volunteered that Silicon Valley is "extremely left-leaning" politically. So, it's not surprising last week that lady commentators, Diamond & Silk, were labelled "unsafe" and booted off the site. 

   As a mobile, email and internet user, we're aware that we depend on politically "progressive" tech companies. We - and you - play on their turf.

   If Facebook can block not only terrorists but trending conservative voices, Views might be next on the outs. Our 30 or so followers are a threat to Utopia. 

   If, some day, you can't find us on Facebook, it may be that our unsafe words got deleted by a frightened censor, who might be terrorized by...
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
For God so loved the world He gave his only begotten Son.
Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords.

   It's okay. We don't pay a penny to benefit from Facebook. Neither do the senators.  



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