Thursday, January 11, 2018

What Is Humility?       
And Does it Matter?   

   We still can learn life lessons from sports. Or, we learn life lessons from the word of God, and see applications anywhere, including sports. 

   Monday night, Alabama won its fifth football title in nine years, by following its renown "process." One might expect the players to be arrogant, entitled and smug. Not so.

   They might be onto something.

   Georgia led 13-0 at halftime. Coach Saban turned to his inexperienced backup quarterback.  

   While he made rookie mistakes, the freshman threw three touchdown passes, including the game-winner in overtime. The starting QB was quick to encourage his replacement throughout the second half. That's humility.

   Another player lost his cool on the sideline. Coach Saban allowed him back in the game, and he make an important tackle. Post game, the player cried for several minutes, apologetic and thankful for forgiveness.!

   Alabama, and no doubt some other teams, is about humility, attention to detail, work ethic, bonding to one another, and forgiveness. Sounds like a "process" for any group. 

   Tom Jones, Tampa Bay Times sports writer, wrote: "You see, humility isn't thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less. It's putting everyone else ahead of yourself. That's how they win." (Not to mention top-rated recruiting.)

   "It's never about individuals," Jones continued. "It's never about  accolades. It's not about who gets credit." 

   Has Jones been reading Solomon, Paul, James and Peter?

   Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another (I Peter 5:5), because God opposes the proud (Proverbs 3:34.) 

   After the game, the young quarterback credited faith in Jesus Christ for his demeanor. As for his coolness under pressure, "I would say my poise comes from my faith. I just pray for peace." 


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