Tuesday, January 2, 2018

   Our New Year's FAKE Prediction   

A spirit of truth & peace will wash over Washington.  

   Denizens of the swamp miraculously will realize that our Constitution would work pretty darn good if it wasn't for political parties.  

   The two major parties will dissolve. Political science professors will conduct training sessions on Capitol Hill. 

   All 535 members of Congress, plus Executive Branch leaders, including the president, and all federal judges and justices will be required to attend. Only those who ace exams on the Constitution and the Federalist Papers will be permitted to keep their positions after the 4th of July.

   Future candidates will be mandated to undergo 30 days of Constitutional training before their names may be placed on any federal ballot.    

   Additional training will be administered among lesser bureaucrats using curriculum to be developed. All voter IDs will be null and void. Voters must pass the same test given to immigrants seeking citizenship, before receiving new IDs. 

   All Americans will heartily endorse these measures.

   Finally, God will be invited back into the city, if he wishes to assume his former place of honor. 

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