Saturday, January 20, 2018

Never Too Old       
Things We Learned This Week     

   Japan's public broadcaster mistakenly sent an alert Tuesday, warning of a North Korean missile launch. Minutes later they corrected it. Will actor Jamie Lee Curtis blame President Trump, as she did when Hawaii broadcasted a similar false alarm days earlier?

   Buddhism teaches that life begins at conception, and its First Precept is that people should never willingly take the life of a living thing. Japan legalized abortion in 1948, but doesn't celebrate it. What do Christians believe?

   Some 11,000 civilians lost their lives during the battle to liberate Mosul, Iraq.

   During his first presidential physical exam, Donald Trump also underwent a cognitive screening test, administered by Navy doctor Ronny Jackson. He got a perfect score on a test designed to detect early signs of memory loss and other mild, cognitive impairment. Dr. Jackson said he, "did exceedingly well. He's very sharp. He's very articulate when he speaks to me." 

   Attention parents: Child Development says your six-year-old will do more work and take fewer breaks if he or she dresses as Batman, Dora the Explorer or Bob the Builder. 

   Planned Parenthood has insiders in our high schools, encouraging casual sex, which leads to more business for PP.

   Stable families must make a village before a village can raise a child.

   What motivates most people and journalists is peer pressure. One needs to believe the same things that important people in their life believe. Sense of identity outweighs facts. 

   Judging by the age of rock stars and their fans, is Rock 'n Roll on its way out?



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