Tuesday, February 11, 2025

 The Full Moon

...bring it on!

     Here in Florida, we just had a bright, full moon for two nights. That means the sun in those hours is below earth shining on the moon above the earth. 

     We also know that nighttime can be moonless, as when one or the other goes down in the West and the other follows it down. When the sun and moon are positioned in other ways, we get half-moons and every other angle.

     Politically, America has been almost moonless for several years. Today, we see increasing light, and there is hope for even brighter days and nights to come.

     Pastor Jim Cymbala reminds us that the apostle Paul urged people to pray for government leaders. Paul's goal wasn't to support a political party, but "that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth" - 1 Timothy 2:2-4.

     With Jesus now in heaven, his disciples "received power when the Holy Spirit" came upon them. Cymbala wrote, "The power to be salt and light came by being in God's presence, praying and waiting" - Acts 1:8. 

     "We need to be salt and light as the answer to society's ills. Elijah was a human as we are, and he prayed earnestly, and God answered."

     "It doesn't matter how small or weak we are, if we are connected by prayer to God, then he will move on our behalf. That doesn't mean God rescues every believer who prays in trouble. But the Lord will > give us endurance, or > change the circumstance."



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