Have You Heard?
Someone wants to build a home for you. You won't have to pay for it. No worry about a mortgage, taxes or utility bills.
Your home will have no mold. No leaky roof. No rotten wood. No pests. No disease. No storms. No crime. No traveling salesmen.
The Master Builder's name is Jesus.
Have faith to join the Builder's family while there is still time. Be warned. We don't know when "time's up!"
The Book says it's heavenly there. The sun doesn't shine, but a certain glory provides all light. We hear the music is out of this world. And the fruit is so good!
All the people you meet will be loving, like you.
Get ready for this: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all in one in Christ." - Galatians 3:28
In eternal life, you can roam the "new earth," with adventures and friends far beyond our worldly existence. And you will never, ever get hurt physically or emotionally again.
Is our short life on earth so awesome we say "no" to salvation in eternity?
Friday: How can we know?
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