Abraham Believed God
And Jesus his descendant, his offspring, more or less, also obeyed God, his Father, allowing himself to be nailed to a cross, suffering the penalty we all - including Moses, Jacob, Joseph, Abraham and Washington, Lincoln and Trump - deserve.
Miraculously, Abraham and Sarah bore a child (Isaac) after they were way beyond the possible age. Jesus, miraculously born to a virgin, miraculously rose from the dead, revealing his wounds to his disciples.
He later became a curse for us, that the blessing given to Abraham might come also to Gentiles. And not just a blessing, but supernatural strength by the indwelling Holy Spirit. God.
The law came centuries after Abraham. Not as a road map to heaven, but a prison of sorts, until the risen Christ won over his incredulous disciples and others. World history thereby burst in all directions...the invitation to accept Jesus' as Savior and Lord, sins forgiven, eternal life offered.
Missionaries and other believers who spread the good news to Jews and Gentiles are still at work, the world often hostile to those who speak of miracles.
We say it again: Neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. We can be (spiritually) heirs of Abraham, forgiven souls who trust and obey the One who experienced human life, without sin, shedding his blood that we might respond to his heavenly love.
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