Saturday, January 28, 2023

We Didn't Know  

   Capt. Toti - Conclusion

     "No American officer agreed with Halsey more than Gen. Curtis LeMay. His philosophy: 'You've got to kill people, and when you've killed enough, they stop fighting.'" 

     "In spring 1945, LeMay targeted the poorest areas of Tokyo with firebombing attacks because the houses of the destitute were built closer together and constructed of wood and paper. LeMay's near-maniacal disregard for human life would make him the template for Gen. Jack D. Ripper in the 1964 movie, Doctor Strangelove. LeMay later admitted that if America had lost the war, he would probably have been tried as a war criminal." 

     "To be clear, all sides targeted civilians during World War II in order to terrorize them into surrendering. Though this tactic had worked precisely nowhere, LeMay perpetuated it late into the war. In early 1945 he deployed enough napalm over Tokyo to kill well over 100,000 civilians. This became the deadliest act of war in human history - deadlier than either of the atomic strikes." 

     "The outcome of all this is that tens of thousands of American lives were lost pursuing flawed strategies to appease glory seekers. While the enemy did the actual killing, in many cases it was our own leaders who put them in position to do so by elevating ambition and pride above sound strategy - and humanity." 

     Capt. William Toti is a 26-year veteran and retired submarine commander. 

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