Wednesday, January 11, 2023

 It's All About Today 

     Long ago, hungry Israelites on their journey from Egypt were grumbling. They had little to eat in the desert (today's Saudi Arabia), while carrying their tabernacle toward the Promised Land. They had no AAA maps. They just followed a miraculous cloud.

     God rained manna for them to eat. They had to eat on the day it fell, for the bread would be uneatable the next morning (by design). He gave them a double portion the day before the Sabbath. And the second helping was always good the next day, on the Sabbath. 

     When Jesus (same God) gave his disciples the "Lord's prayer," he included, Give us this day our daily bread

     Of course, now our bread can last for days, but God was building on the theme initiated during the Exodus. 

     Jesus ascended, after instructing his disciples, and turned a fierce opponent, Saul, into Paul, whose mission mostly was to reach Gentiles. His Spirit-led writings account for about a third of the New Testament.

     Paul was severely troubled as he carried the gospel into hostile Roman regions...beaten, left for dead, shipwrecked, etc. 

     But he never quit on the Lord who had spoken to him from above. Outwardly, a battered man. Inwardly (spiritually) he wrote, he was "renewed day by day." 

     If Paul could make every day the day of salvation, so can we. Yesterday is over. Tomorrow may never come. 



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