Monday, January 23, 2023

The Absurb Is Now Sacred   

                Some quotes from Seth Dillon, the Babylon Bee

"To prop up an insane worldview, you have to insulate it from criticism." 

Twitter - "The site's policy on hateful conduct starts out with a tribute to free expression." 

"The idea that men can become women is being pushed on people ... by some of the most powerful people and institutions." 

"I think we're more depraved than ever because we're affirming what we should be ridiculing." 

"How did we get to a place where insane ideas are sacred?"

"Instead of laughing at absurdity, we accepted it. Instead of ridiculing bad ideas, we tolerate them." 

"Mockery is a moral imperative ... bad ideas taken seriously have catastrophic consequences." 

"Bad ideas are everywhere, and social media increase the speed with which they spread ... all over the world." 

"Elon Musk ... on our podcast, called wokeness ... one of the greatest threats to modern civilization. Wokeness is divisive, exclusionary and hateful." 

"You can't reason with people who've abandoned rationality. But you can - and must - ridicule their bad ideas."


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